The social workers say they don’t know when I will get the kids back and that I need to cooperate with the system.
When I came to Finland I had 2 children already. I married a Finn and we had 4 kids together. Our interaction with child protection authorities started because of constant fights with my husband, now my ex-husband.
I didn’t understand Finnish and didn’t always have an interpreter and only later realized that my husband told the officials terrible things about me. My younger Finnish kids have been clients of the system all their lives. On many occasions neighbours reported us to the child protection officials.
In 2008 we divorced and in 2009 the kids were taken into care for the first time for three weeks. The second time they were taken into care was three months ago. The youngest didn’t like daycare and caused a lot of trouble. No one believed me when I said he was fine at home.
The six-year old was first placed in care. Then because the authorities were concerned about the other older kids they were taken from school, although they had no problems. I was not informed. The smallest, now 7, is in an institution and the other three in family foster care.
Officials say an institution is the best place for the youngest. They are now planning a psychiatric evaluation for him. The only good thing is that I can see the kids as often as possible, although I am studying to be a practical nurse. The social workers say they don’t know when I will get the kids back and that I need to cooperate with the system. I don’t use drugs, drink or anything like that. I have done all I can for the kids.
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