Autistic boy, 11, handcuffed on school bus in Howard Baltimore Sun Howard County school officials are investigating an incident involving an 11-year-old autistic boy who was handcuffed by police officers on a school bus after he allegedly bit several adults and students. The child, who does not speak and has limited ... See all stories on this topic » |
Research Lacking on Drugs for Older Children With Autism, Study Finds U.S. News & World Report "The majority of (older) individuals with autism spectrum disorders appear to be taking medications that we have very little evidence for," said the study's lead author, Dr. Jeremy Veenstra-VanderWeele, medical director of the Treatment and Research ... See all stories on this topic » |
Connecting Autistic Behavior to Brain Function Huffington Post (blog) Autism is a disorder that is well known for its complex changes in behavior -- including repeating actions over and over and having difficulty with social interactions and language. Connecting these behavioral patterns to an underlying neural ... See all stories on this topic » |
Autistic Camarillo man has a job but aims to get a better one Ventura County Star Editor's note: A little over a decade ago, California officials raised an alarm about the growing number of children being diagnosed with autism. The Star examined the struggles of several Ventura County children who were part of that surge in 2000. See all stories on this topic » |
Priyanka Chopra to become the face of autism organisation? New York Daily News Mumbai, Sept. 19 -- Priyanka Chopra's portrayal of an autistic person in the recently released Barfi! got her rave reviews. Her role also seems to have touched the lives and hearts of many. The Forum For Autism (FFA), a support group for parents of ... See all stories on this topic » |
School Planning for Autistic Spectrum Disorders in 500 Words Or Less Huffington Post A child with an autistic spectrum disorder does not intuitively understand the social world. Severely affected kids may have little apparent interest in people around them. Someone with mild impairment may be quite motivated socially, but lacks the ... See all stories on this topic » |
Koska autismikirjon ihmisten on vaikea ymmärtää kokonaisuuksien ja osien välisiä sekä syy- ja seuraussuhteita (sentraalinen koherenssi), f...
Uudessa amerikkalisessa DSM-5 diagnostisessa käsikirjassa Aspergeria ei enää diagnosoida. Asperger kuuluu nyt Autismikirjon häiriöihin**. Al...
Too much power is given to social workers. Ikonen is also the founder of an NGO known as the October Movement that advocates for parents and...
Autismi sinänsä ei ole älyllinen kehitysvammaisuus. mutta siihen voi liittyä myös kehitysvammaisuutta (developmental disorders), kuten aisti...
Autismin asiantuntijat (mm. Lorna Wing) ovat sitä mieltä, ette neljässä viidestä tapauksesta autismi on synnynnäinen tila ja että 80%o:ssa s...
The impact of the panorama documentary 'Undercover care the abuse exposed' No one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or deg...
Paula Tilli kertoo teoksessaan "Toisin" kuinka asperger -ihminen joutuu uhraamaan terveytensä yrittäessään elää kuin normaalit ihm...
Autismin tarinat kukoistavat näyttämöllä, radiossa, TV:ssä, elokuvissa ja ennenkaikkia Internetissä. Tekstiviestit on ideaalinen viestintäta...
Tyttövauvan autistiset piirteet eivät ole yhtä selvät kuin pojalla, sillä monasti autistinen tyttö näyttää päällepäin hyvin sosiaaliselta ,...
Pitkään on ajateltu, että tytöt, joilla on AS, ovat alidiagnostisoituja. Poikien yliedustus potilaiden joukossa on ilmeinen (noin 4–6:1), ...
maanantai 26. marraskuuta 2012
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