Who am I after all these years?/ Re-post
by Gone Wild
I grew up in a family in which mental illness was a fact of life. I'm Asperger (a valid brain type from my POV) and bipolar. My brother was schizoid. Everyone functioned - not great, but well enough, but I was the only one who actively searched for answers and treatment. It caused a rift in the family and I was essentially kicked out for wanting to be healthy. I would see my brother suffering, but he refused all treatment, even when he began to get into trouble with authorities and help was offered. It is incomprehensible to me why a person would want to stay in a frightening and agitated state and not want to live as well as possible. But then, I observe the lives of so-called normal people and think the same thing. It’s difficult for me to remember that I once had a family, so great was the gulf between my expectations and theirs. From a young age I began building a "ghost" family of artists and writers whom I admired through their works, and from landscapes and buildings in the environment, which is populated by thousands of strangers as well as friends. The habit became so rewarding that I just kept it up, accumulating a complex library of rich characters and environments that never leaves me. This creative act is likely to be the result of being a visual thinker.
Most everyone, especially when young, asks, Who am I? The answer for me turned out to be simple: I am everything I have ever seen.
Gone Wild | December 25, 2016
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